Product Pricing (or How much is the Doggy in the window?)

Why is it that when I go shopping to get my Toms GREY ANGULAR EMBROIDERY MEN'S DEL REY SNEAKERS - Vegan Classic style, I am always amazed by the price differences I find.

Toms Lucas Vegan
$79.45 to $94.75

The prices on this product varies by as much as $20 and does not include shipping. So what is the deal? Why do the price of products vary from one site to the next (not to mention from one store to another)? Well people, it is your job to figure this one out.

Individually, each of you will will research the price of each of the items from the following list online:

Create a Table (as shown below) Listing product (include image), price, place:

Toms Lucas Vegan
Toms Vegan Shoe
Prince - The Hits - B Sides 23.99 Google Play
Milk (list size you are buying)    
Gallon of gas    
Round trip airline ticket between Medford and New York City    
Large all meat pizza    
Cell Phone    
4D TV    
Quarter-pound burger    
One product that you choose that you are interested in    


Share your completed work in a Google Doc (Rogan's class) or a Word document (Kostman) as prod_pricing in Link this up on your worklinks (Kostman)